• homeshare@loyalistcollege.com
  • 613-969-1913, ext. 2105

No, there are no fees for applying. There are minimal costs associated with completing the Vulnerable Sector Screening check, purchasing of house insurance and/or contents/liability insurance and moving in costs.

You will receive an email of confirmation that your application has been received within 72 hours of applying. A Home Share Team member will contact you to confirm the information on your application.

All applications are reviewed and information is confirmed with applicants within the first week of applying. The system is checked for matches based on prioritized questions (e.g., living preferences) to identify any potential matches. Matches are contacted and a three-step meeting process facilitated by the Home Share Team begins that includes individual and group meetings and a home visit. The applicants are assisted in developing their unique housing agreement and a move in date is identified and the applicants begin their home-share journey.

Matches will last for a mutually agreed time. This could range from months to years.

Lower than market value cost of rent and approximately seven hours per week of companionship, light housekeeping, chores or other agreed upon tasks between the student and home provider. No personal or medical care is provided as part of this program. Examples of potential agreements are shared to help develop the home-sharing agreement for each match. The Home Share Team provides support and examples during the development process of this agreement.

No. The Home Share Agreement developed between the student and older adult is not a lease; students are not covered under the Landlord Tenant Act. This agreement is a shared understanding of how each person will act and treat each other. Both the home seeker and home provider are advised to consult their own legal, financial and or other advisors who can assist with the decision to participate in this program.

Lower than market value cost of rent. Approximately $550 to $650 per month.

Home providers entering this home-share program can own or rent their home. The residence can be a detached, attached or a multi-unit dwelling. It must have a bedroom for the student to use. More than one person can live at the residence, however, all must complete a Vulnerable Sector Check and agree to share the living space with a student.  At least one of the residents must be over the age of 55.

The Home Share program is designed to help students, particularly international students develop a sense of belonging, as well as provide them with safer, private, and better living conditions. Often students that pay less are living with a number of other people and often are sharing a bedroom with at least one other person.

We recommend that each individual participant consult with a tax expert before signing their housing agreement as often the answer is yes you may have to claim payment for sharing your house as income. However, a portion of shared expenses (expenses incurred to allow the operation of the home from day to day, such as utilities, maintenance, or property taxes) can be claimed to help offset the income from sharing your home. A tax expert will help you determine this calculation.

The term ‘below the market rate’ refers to a price that is lower than the current market price for a bedroom in someone’s house. Our most recent data calculated November 2022, indicates that the total monthly rent for a room in Hastings and Prince Edward counties is between $900 to $1,100. The cost for students in this program is between $550 and $650 per month with the expectation that the student contributes seven hours per week of companionship.